History - Private Banking ENGLISH
Asset Publisher

We are strongly positioned among the market leaders since more than 25 years
It was in 1886 that Raiffeisen Bank greeted its first customers in Austria, one hundred years before it opened its doors in Hungary as well. In Hungary, Friedrich Wilhelm Raiffeisen is a pioneer, tireless developer and reliable representative of private banking services, which look back on 130 years of strict traditions founded on classical values.
In 2009 the Private Banking division (similarly to all Raiffeisen Private Banking service providers in Europe) will adopt the name of Friedrich Wilhelm Raiffeisen
It is since 1996 that Friedrich Wilhelm Raiffeisen has been successfully serving its special clientele characterized by an outstanding financial strength, profound professional knowledge, far-reaching business relations and high quality expectations.
We are extremely proud that despite an ever-intensifying competition, as a result of our endeavors we are strongly positioned among the market leaders ever since 1996.
Our expertise, commitment and client-centered approach has helped us become one of the dominant player in the financial markets and at the same time one of the most successful members of the international Raiffeisen Group.