Treasury terms and conditions - Raiffeisen ENGLISH
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Useful information
- Unilateral account termination initiated by the Customer
- Instant Payment System Information
- Consumer Services terms and conditions
- Private Services terms and conditions
- Premium Services terms and conditions
- Corporate Services terms and conditions
- Treasury terms and conditions
- List of terms and conditions and fee informations - Archives
- Code of Conduct
- Know Your Customer (KYC)
- US Patriot Act Certification
- Reconciliation of customer data
- FATCA information
- Changes in the Establishment of the Tax Residence of Private Individuals
- Basic account info
- Customer Data Update
- Changes related PSD2 Directives
- PSD2 TPP informations
- Information on refund of fees
- DCC (Dynamic Currency Conversion) information
Asset Publisher
szabina nagy
Modified 12 Days ago.