Asset Publisher

Internet Banking - Frequently Asked Questions

DirektNet Functions, Application

Activation, Login

Password, Security

SMS Signature, Mobile Token



Technical Information

Terms and Definitions

DirektNet Functions, Application

What can I use the Raiffeisen DirektNet internet banking service for?
Using DirektNet you can get detailed information on your bank account, initiate credit transfers in HUF and in foreign currencies, create time deposits, top up your credit card balance, give authorisations for direct debits, apply for our Mobile Banking and SMS services, as well as take out travel insurance. Please view our DirektNet presentation website.

Who can use the DirektNet service?
All customers keeping accounts at Raiffeisen Bank, including private individuals, small and medium-sized enterprises and large corporations may all apply for the service. If you want to use the service, but are not our customer yet, please open an account in-person at any branch of the Bank.

Is it only me that can access my account in the internet banking platform?
Only the account holder may apply for the service, but he/she may as well assign authorised representative(s) who may even have an all-inclusive, unlimited right to access and dispose of the account holder’s accounts.

How much does the use of the DirektNet internet banking service cost?
The fees charged for electronic transactions are much lower in each case than those charged for paper-based orders submitted in branches. Use of the DirektNet service itself is free of charge in all account packages.

  Please visit the Raiffeisen branch that is closest to you.

  In order to avoid waiting, please make an appointment in advance:
  Click here to make an appointment.
  Documents required for the account opening: ID card, address card.
  Choose from our account packages the one that is most convenient for you.
  Simultaneously with the account opening, apply for DirektNet internet banking access.
      For the activation of DirektNet, a one-time activation code is sent to you in SMS, to the mobile phone number you have registered with the Bank.


How shall I apply for the DirektNet internet banking service if I have a Raiffeisen bank account?

    Please complete the application form available among Forms, and send it to the following address:
  Raiffeisen Bank Zrt. Budapest Pf. 1700.
    If you prefer to do the application in-person, please visit the Raiffeisen branch that is closest to you.
  In order to avoid waiting, please make an appointment in advance:
  Click here to make an appointment.
  Documents required for the application: ID card, address card.
  The Bank sets the service in the system, of which notice is sent to you in SMS.


What happens after I have submitted my application?

After the Application Form has been submitted, you will get a Direkt ID necessary to use DirektNet as well as a one-time Direkt PIN code (if you have sent the application form to the Bank by mail, the required identifiers will also be sent to you by mail, and the activation PIN code will be sent to the mobile phone number you have registered with the Bank). You have to activate the service with the code, after which you can use internet banking at any time.

Activation, Login

How can I log in to DirektNet?
You can access the DirektNet internet banking system in the website, where you should click the button "Internetbank login". To log in, enter your 8-digit Direkt ID in the new window that appears, and press the "NEXT" button. Enter the password you provided in the course of the activation in the “Password” field that appears, and press the "REQUEST CODE" button.
When you use the system for the first time, you have to activate the service.

I have concluded a contract, and still I am unable to use the service. What shall I do?
You have to activate the service upon your first login. You can initiate DirektNet activation on the main page of the website, in a new window that appears after you have pressed the “Internetbank login” button, in the DirektNet activation tab.

How can I activate DirektNet?
You can activate DirektNet on the main page of the website, in a new window that appears after you have pressed the “Internetbank login” button, in the DirektNet activation tab. To activate DirektNet, you will need your 8-digit Direkt ID and a 4-digit DirektNet activation PIN (sent to your mobile phone number registered with the Bank).
After entering your data, please choose a password that contains minimum 8 characters, including at least one uppercase and one lowercase letter and one numeral (e.g. Zb41@kxk), as well as special characters if possible (e.g. &; @; *; $; _; #; :; +; !; "; %; '; (; ); >; <; {; }; =; ?; [; ]; ~). The password must not contain accented letters.

Password, Security

What password shall I choose?
Please choose a password that contains minimum 8 characters, including at least one uppercase and one lowercase letter and one numeral (e.g. Zb41@kxk), as well as special characters if possible (e.g. &; @; *; $; _; #; :; +; !; "; %; '; (; ); >; <; {; }; =; ?; [; ]; ~). The password must not contain accented letters and the previously used 12 passwords can not be as new one. (Preferably the password should not be the name of your favourite pet and a serial number.) Remembering a strong password is harder, but it provides greater security.

How can I change my password?
Log in to DirektNet, select the Administration/Settings/Change password menu option, and enter your new password.

How frequently shall I change my password?
You must change your password chosen upon the activation of the service every 365 days on a mandatory basis, and the system will automatically prompt you to do so. Of course you can change your password more frequently than that in the interest of security. You can do so in the menu Administration/Settings/Change password.

I have forgotten my password. What shall I do?
You must request a one-time DirektNet activation PIN code. You can request a new activation PIN by dialling phone number 06-80-488-588 and entering menu points 2-4, after successful identification, or at any branch of the Bank.
If you have forgotten your Direkt ID as well, please visit any branch of ours, where you will be identified based on your personal documents, and get a new ID from our staff.

I have entered the wrong password several times, and cannot log in to the system.
If you enter the wrong password several times, in the interest of your security DirektNet cannot be used for 24 hours. If you still want to log in to the system, using the DirektNet activation PIN you can re-activate the service and choose a new password.

I have tried to log in multiple times, but the system will not let me enter, I am getting error messages. What shall I do?
Please check whether you have typed in your ID and password correctly or not. If you enter the wrong password several times, in the interest of your security login will be suspended for that day. If you want to log in to the system, using the DirektNet activation code you can re-activate the service and choose a new password.

Why should I request SMS notification on logins to DirektNet?
With the DirektNet login SMS notification service you may get prompt notice on all successful and unsuccessful login attempts carried out with your Direkt ID. You can apply for, modify or cancel the service only and exclusively through DirektNet, in the menu Administration/Account holder details. The fees payable for the service are available in the Bank’s List of Terms & Conditions.
You will get automatic messages on the following Raiffeisen DirektNet transactions:
- Successful logins
- Unsuccessful login attempts
- Third unsuccessful login attempt - suspension of access to the service for the given day, and cancellation of the service.

What are the guarantees of safe internet banking?
Internet banking takes place in an encrypted channel secured by the internationally acknowledged SSL technology. The key necessary for the encryption has been authenticated for Raiffeisen Bank by NetLock Kft., a security certificate issuer acknowledged in Hungary. The Bank’s firewall system provides the highest level of security. The system has a built-in time limit. If you do not use the DirektNet service for longer than 5 minutes, the system will automatically log you out. In order to monitor DirektNet use, upon each successful login you can check the date and time of your latest successful login in the window including the list of notifications. To make a payment, SMS signature is required. You may as well monitor financial transactions continuously by applying for our Mobile Banking service. Please read our recommendation connected to the safe use of DirektNet.

SMS Signature, Mobile Token

When should I use the SMS signature?
To approve electronic order(s), e.g. credit transfer(s), you will be sent a one-time password in SMS to your mobile number registered at the Bank. You are required to type the received password in the field serving to enter SMS passwords. The received SMS code is valid for the given order(s) only. It is also possible to sign multiple orders jointly.

To which telephone number will I receive the SMS password?
The SMS containing the signature password will be sent to the mobile phone number that you have previously identified and is included in the Bank’s registry. You can check the phone number recorded in our system in the menu Administration/Settings/Telephone number for SMS signature. If there are several mobile phone numbers recorded in our system, you can select the number that is most appropriate for you. Upon the first credit transfer, the list of mobile telephone numbers included in our registry will be offered to you. Select the appropriate mobile phone number from the dropdown menu, and your signature password will be sent to your phone promptly.

Can I sign several orders with one SMS?
Yes, you can sign several credit transfers with one single SMS signature so that you do not have to request an SMS password for each and every order.
When you finalise each credit transfer order, the system will ask you whether you want to sign the order, or want to enter further orders. If you choose this latter option, the order will get among "Saved transactions" with the status “waiting for signature”. After you have entered all orders in the system this way, by marking the saved transactions in the Account information/Saved transactions menu you can sign these with one single SMS password.

What is Mobile Token?
Mobile Token is a high-security authentication tool embedded in the myRaiffeisen mobile application. Using it you can log in to the DirektNet internet banking application and to the myRaiffeisen mobile app simply and quickly (with a PIN code, or with your fingerprint or - if you have an iOS device - by facial recognition), as well as approve your orders and transactions.

Mobile Token is a safer authentication method
If you activate Mobile Token, the new authentication method in the myRaiffeisen mobile application, you will be able to use your fingerprint or - in iOS devices - facial recognition (biometric) authentication as well to log in to the internet banking system and sign transactions.

Mobile Token is a high-security software-based authentication method built in the myRaiffeisen mobile application.
Click on the button to learn more about the activation and use of Mobile Token.

View how Mobile Token works


How can I find out whether my order has been executed or not?
You can see the closing of a successful transaction in the "confirmation" screen, and can also check the same in the Account history view.

Where can I view my transactions?
You can see the transactions belonging to the account by clicking on the "Account history" button beside the account, or in the Account information/Account history menu option.

How can I print the necessary information?
To print the data concerning your bank accounts and transactions executed in DirektNet, click on the "Details" button of the relevant transaction in the Account history view, then press the "Print" button in the window that opens.

Can I pay postal payment orders in the internet?
In the Transfer, conversion/Cheque payment menu option you can pay your postal payment orders ("cheques"), which will be executed as credit transfers.

Can I enter credit transfer orders for future dates as well?
By entering an order with a future value date, you can give your credit transfer orders or “send” your postal payment orders ("cheques") even before the payment deadline, avoiding potential delays, without making the payment in advance.

Can I transfer cash abroad via DirektNet?
Yes, you can also give transfer orders directed abroad in DirektNet.

If I transfer cash to the same account for the second time already, do I have to fill in the entire order form once again?
If you save the beneficiary in DirektNet, the program will automatically remember the details of your five latest transfers to the saved beneficiary. If you want to make a transfer to a beneficiary to which you have already made a transfer before, a "Load data of previous payments button" will appear in the order form. If you click on the button, the data fields will be filled in with the previous order’s data, which you may as well change after the loading.

How can I set regularly repeated, automatic transfers?
You can give an order for the periodically repeated transfer of a fixed amount in the menu option Transfer, conversion/Standing orders. You can modify or cancel your standing payment orders, as well as view the details of the orders.

Can I transfer cash to my own accounts as well?
Yes, you can give one-time and even standing in-house transfer orders directed to your own accounts as well, for example this way you can automatically increase on a monthly basis the balance in your savings account.

What happens if there is insufficient balance in my account when a standing order should be executed?
If a standing order cannot be executed due to insufficient balance, Raiffeisen Bank will later try to execute the order again. We shall try to launch the transfer twice a day until the amount will be available for the transfer, but no longer than until the banking day preceding the next due date of payment.

What happens if there is insufficient balance in my account when a direct debit should be executed?
In such case the collection of this amount will fail due to insufficient balance. Of this, you will receive a warning message, which you can view by clicking on the “Notifications” link in the DirektNet header. As regards information about when the service provider concerned will try to collect the failed item again from your account, please refer to the service provider.

How can I access the amount of my time deposits?
In DirektNet you can immediately withdraw most time deposits prior to maturity. To withdraw a time deposit, select the Deposit/Early withdrawal menu option.

Can I get notices on transactions affecting my card and my account?
By means of our Mobile Banking service you can get SMS messages on all transactions affecting your cards and your current accounts. You can apply for the service online as well in the Administration/Requests/Mobile Banking service menu option.


Choose online bank account statements instead of paper-based statements!
In the "Account statements" menu option of Raiffeisen DirektNet you can view your HUF and foreign currency bank account statements for 12 months in retrospect, in PDF format. E-statements are identical in form and content with the paper-based statements sent by mail; however, they do not qualify as accounting documents as per Act C of 2000 on Accounting.
If you wish to view your statements online in the future, remember to cancel paper-based statements sent by mail.
You can do this in the following channels:

  • via the Bank’s call centre Raiffeisen Direkt (+36-80-488-588), or
  • at any branch of the Bank.

Further advantages of e-statements:

  • they are available online at any time quickly and conveniently,
  • this service is free of charge,
  • it is an environmentally friendly solution,
  • upon request, you can receive your paper-based statements concerning the last 12 months free of charge in our branches.

Do something for the environment!
By cancelling paper-based statements you can also protect your own environment, since with e-statements less paper is used, by which the felling of trees can be prevented. Let us protect the environment together!

Technical Information

When is internet banking available?
The system is available on every day of the year, 0-24 hours. Should any system maintenance be required, you will be notified of this in advance in the website under NEWS.

What kind of computer and browser is needed to use DirektNet?
The DirektNet internet banking service is optimised for the following browsers:

Microsoft Internet Explorer 9+ ( )

Opera 24+ (

Mozilla Firefox 32+ (

Please enable Javascript running in your browser, because among others it is client-side scripts that make quicker and more convenient banking possible for you.

The system is "kicking" me out during use, I have to log in over and over again. What should I do?
If you do not use the DirektNet service for longer than 5 minutes (the browser window is inactive, or no active operation is taking place there), for security reasons the system will automatically log you out, back to the login page of Raiffeisen DirektNet.

Terms and Definitions

What is DirektNet, and why should I use it?
DirektNet is Raiffeisen Bank’s internet banking platform.
It is worth using because this way you can manage your banking transactions in a safe manner without queuing, at any time:

  • you can view the balance from time to time held in your bank account from anywhere, at any time,
  • you can save not only time, but money as well due to better fees,
  • you can launch among others credit transfer and time deposit orders, as well as convert your money into other currencies at spot exchange rates.

What is myRaiffeisen mobile app, and why should I use it?
myRaiffeisen is Raiffeisen Bank’s mobile application.
It is worth using the myRaiffeisen mobile application because

  • it enables you to access the most frequent internet banking functions on your phone,
  • it is safe: you can use banking functions with your Raiffeisen DirektNet ID and Mobile Token PIN code or your fingerprint, or on an iOS device even by facial recognition,
  • it is free, and can be downloaded to your phone at any time.

What is SWIFT code?
The SWIFT code (also referred to as “SWIFT BIC” or “BIC”) is a code series consisting of 8 or 11 characters that serves to identify the bank of the beneficiary. For example the SWIFT code of Raiffeisen Bank Hungary is: UBRTHUHBXXX.

What is an IBAN format account number?
IBAN is a single international bank account number introduced in the counties of the European Union. In the case of a credit transfer to a country using IBAN account numbers it is reasonable to provide your partner’s account number in the IBAN format. If a foreign currency payment order directed to a European target country that uses IBAN includes an incorrect account number or an account number that is not in the IBAN format, the partner bank may reject the order, or due to the necessity of manual intervention may charge extra fees on the title of processing costs which are to be paid by the account holder initiating the credit transfer.
IBAN as per the Hungarian standard consists of 28 characters, of which:
Characters 1-2 denote the country code.
Characters 3-4 are a checksum.
Characters 5-28 include the customer’s domestic account number. Its length may vary according to countries and banks.
Example: HU12 1234 5678 1234 5678 1234 5678

What is the difference between SWIFT code and IBAN account number?
Therefore it is an important difference between SWIFT code and IBAN account number that while a bank’s SWIFT code is always the same (irrespective of the account number), each account holder has a different IBAN account number of their own.

Where can I turn if I have other questions?
All questions and ideas are welcome! Please write to us, or dial our call centre at phone number +36-80-488-588.