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Back Scheduled Maintenance – On 03.04.2025

Scheduled Maintenance – On 03.04.2025

Press and News /

We would like to inform you that between 03.04.2025 10 PM and 04.04.2025 2 AM, we will be carrying out system developments for some of our banking systems.
Card payments and ATM cash withdrawals will be available without interruptions during this period.
Brief (5-10 minute) disruptions or delays may occur in the operation of the following services:

Affected banking services:
- Raiffeisen DirektNet internetbanking
- myRaiffeisen mobilapplication
- myRaiffeisen portal internetbanking

For the duration of the system development, we announce a downtime in accordance with relevant legislation.

Thank you for your understanding!


Raiffeisen Bank Ltd.