
Asset Publisher

ELECTRA - Frequently asked questions

Electra functions and request process

Activation and login

Password and safety

SMS signature, VICA mobile token


Technical information

Electra functions and request process

What is Raiffeisen Electra and why worth to use it?

Raiffeisen Electra is one of our Bank’s electronic channels, which based on the contract between the Bank and the Client, provides the Clients defined payment services, as well as the possibility to submit documents and make legal declarations online.

To whom do we recommend Raiffeisen Electra services?

To large, small and medium sized companies and municipalities

  • which initiate up to hundreds of payment orders per day and would like to send this large amount of transfers produced in their own systems directly to the banking system and process their queries,
  • in addition to requesting bank information, they want to send a large number of bank orders easily and quickly,
  • which require effective internet banking support to manage their finances and banking administration.

Who can access my bank account through Electra?

The person to whom the account holder gives authorization on the application form. Authorized persons may have the permission for view, possess and sign.

How much does it cost to use Electra?

You can find more information about the current pricing from the actual corporate services terms and conditions:
List of terms and conditions for corporate clients - Raiffeisen BANK
For detailed information, contact your relationship manager.

How can I apply for the Electra service?

If your company's account managing bank is Raiffeisen Bank, please contact your bank contact or relationship manager, who will settle the agreement with you for the service.

To apply and to have a contract, you must provide the following information:

  • Customer (Company) name
  • Registered address
  • Tax number
  • For user(s): full name, date of birth, mobile phone number

The service will be set up, for which we send the initial login password via SMS.

Activation and login

How can I log in to Electra?

You can find the user ID required for logging in and the data of the chosen authentication device on the Electra request form. You can choose among three types of authentication tools:

  1. VICA mobile token
  2. Hardware token
  3. SMS identification

Do I have to activate the Electra service?

For the Electra Internetbank and the Electra Mobilebank services you do not need to activate the service, because our colleagues will activate it during the request process.

Password and safety

What kind of password should I choose?

After the first login, you have to change your password, that the system will automatically offer.

During the process of changing your password, the system will offer a guidance for a strong password setting.
It allows you to set the selected password only if it meets the security expectations.

How can I change my password?

After being logged in, you should choose the Settings menu point and there you will see the function of changing your password. When changing your password, you should first type your old password then the new one two times.

How often should I change my password?

The Log in password will expire in every 60 days. The system will automatically inform you to renew your password.

I forgot my password. What to do?

Please contact our telephone customer service on the +36-80-488-588 number on working days
between 8-17 or write us to

I’ve entered the wrong password several times and I cannot log in to the system.

Please contact our telephone customer service on the +36-80-488-588 number on working days
between 8-17 or write us to

I tried to log in several times but the system does not allow me to log in, I get an error message. What should I do?

Please contact our telephone customer service on the +36-80-488-588 number on working days
between 8-17 or write us to

SMS signature, VICA mobile token

What telephone number do I get the SMS password?

If you have chosen the SMS authentication tool for Electra authentication and signature, in that case the SMS password will be sent to the mobile phone number you gave on the Electra application form.

Is it possible to sign several bank orders with one SMS?

Yes, in the case if the recorded orders are being chosen to sign at once.

What is a VICA mobile token?

Electra’s most modern authentication device is a mobile application appropriate for iOS and Android smart phone.
It is a safe and independent communication channel between the Bank and the Client. After a quick registration, Electra will send the transactions which need to be signed to the VICA application, which you can approve on your mobile.

How can I use the VICA mobile token application?

You should download the free VICA application from the Google Play or App Store. You can find more information about the settings of the VICA application.


How do I know that my bank order has been fulfilled?

In the ‘Send assignments’ menu point the order packages have been showed, the Bank will send you information about the statuses of the orders. For clicking to the bank’s status, the system will show if the chosen order will be fulfilled or not.

Where can I see my transactions?

The data published by the bank can be viewed in the ‘Banking information’ menu item (e.g. account balance, account history, account statement, exchange rates, interest rates, other condition lists, etc.).

Can I place a transfer order for a later date?

Yes, when entering a transfer, you can add the date when you would like to send it to the bank and which day you would like it to be fulfilled.

Is it possible to transfer money abroad via Electra?

Yes, you can transfer foreign exchange currency and SEPA trough Electra.

If I transfer for the second time to the same beneficiary, should I fill the whole transfer form again?

No, for recurring transfer, when the fields are roughly the same, it is recommended to set a transfer template and fill the constant fields.

How can you set up regularly recurring automatic transfers?

You can set, query, modify or delete this in the Information/Permanent transfer menu item.

What happens if I do not have enough money on my account when the standing order is supposed to happen?

In this case, the standing order will be placed in the "Awaiting Funding" status until the next period, but no later than 30 days.

What happens if I do not have enough money on my account when the direct debit is supposed to happen?

If the account is not covered by 4:30 p.m. on the day of direct debit, the direct debit will not be completed.

In this case, the group direct debit will fail and the status of the order will be defaulted in the sent orders menu item.

Can I be notified of the transactions affecting my bank card and account?

With our Mobile Banking service – in the form of SMS messages – you can receive immediate and accurate information:

  • bank card operations (cash withdrawals, purchases) and limits,
  • bank account events (debit, credit) and balance,
  • operations carried out on the phone and on the Internet.

You can request the setting of the service through your bank contract.

Technical information

When is Electra Internetbank is available?

It is available 24 hours a day, at any time.

What kind of computer and browser do I need to use Electra?

It is supported from any computer. The service is available with any browser for example: Edge, Chrome, Firefox, Safari and Opera.

Who can I contact if I have other questions?

Write to us to or call our telephone customer service at +36-80-488-588.